Firearms Attorneys in Martinsburg
Serving Clients Throughout West Virginia, Berkeley County & Beyond
One of the greatest things about the United States is the freedom afforded to its citizens, including the right to bear arms. However, there are still restrictions regarding firearms. West Virginia law permits almost anyone, who is not a prohibited person, to possess a firearm in their home or in their vehicle.
However, if a person carries his or her handgun in an unlawful place or if that person is prohibited from carrying a weapon because they are a convicted felony offender, they can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense. There are both state and federal gun crimes.
A conviction for a gun crime can have a negative impact on your future. It could result in serious penalties, including a permanent criminal record, steep fines, inability to own or possess a firearm in the future, and jail or prison time. Start building your defense today, and contact a weapons defense attorney at The Criminal Law Center.
West Virginia has a long, proud tradition of gun ownership, and that tradition must be defended continually in the courtrooms.The criminal defense attorneys at The Criminal Law Center fight to protect the rights of gun owners charged with a crime under West Virginia law.Our attorneys are often called upon to speak to other attorneys on state and federal firearm legislation, the Second Amendment, and self-defense laws.
If you are charged with any crime under state or federal law involving a firearm, contact a gun charge defense lawyer at The Criminal Law Center.Call us at (304) 262-9300 to discuss your case today.